
Atheist and believer, residing in the highest, fit, and with the chance that all life has upon this world and the realm that is earth. It is a gift of good nature that gathers for your care and shelter.

They who live humbly and did not borrow while their neighbor incurred debt and possession.

They who have given freely and kept good accounts.

They who long for the return of ancient migrations.

They who choose to die honorably.

They who are no man’s chattel, living breathing beings, no greater or worse than the deer or the lark, and call upon air water fire earth to cleanse the garden.

They who march in security at war with no one and make war as they see fit, obligated to no one and live by their wits, walking freely upon the earth so that all may attend a neighbors’ pleas and choose the battles worthy, and wary of those would despise another for their creed.

They who are moral and just, returning this land to the heirs that their ancestor’s spirit would leave burdens of despair and fly free.

They who are observers to ensure the freedom of a neighbor, whether such neighbor is caught in a net, or a debt, or a struggle.

They who are stewards to bring impoverished from servitude and into freedom, one who would tend a reckless and burdensome village.

They who would cast seed upon the wind and let song to ear.

Declare aloud and with ringing, them who shall open the door.


  1. Geraldine said,

    March 8, 2012 at 11:01 am

    True words spoken here. Enslavement is a toll of debt, unfortunately many are feeling this toll now, I hope they find adjustment and balance soon and that the greedy who ensnared others learn to curb their past behaviour.

    • sower of seeds said,

      March 8, 2012 at 1:22 pm

      Even a king’s brood will leave the nest if it is fettered with lies. As a carrion crow circles a city for castoffs, so do some circle the King. Were those who would ensnare less troubled by status and tactic, they might awaken to the pleasure of knowing these things. Good cheer to you and your faithful, Geraldine.

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